After the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, Mumbai police has started working hard to catch the attackers. After the murder of Baba Siddiqui in Mumbai, the deadly attack on Saif has raised questions on the security of celebrities living here. For this reason, the police has set up several teams to catch the accused. Statements of more than 30 people including Kareena Kapoor have been recorded in this case. Her statement was recorded at Kareena's residence on Friday evening in the presence of police officials.
The Mumbai Police has formed 20 teams along with 10 teams of the Crime Branch for the investigation. CCTV footage has been collected from the Bandra area and three suspects are being questioned. However, no arrests have been made yet in connection with the incident. Earlier, Saif's staff members were brought to the Bandra police station for questioning in connection with the case but were later let go.
What did the auto driver say?
The auto-rickshaw driver who took the actor to the hospital said that he reached the spot and saw Saif coming out of the gate covered in blood, along with a few other people. Saif was bleeding from his neck and back. "I drive my vehicle at night. Around 2-3 am I saw a woman trying to hire an auto, but no one stopped. I also heard calls for a rickshaw from inside the gate. I took a U-turn and stopped my vehicle near the gate. A man covered in blood came out with 2-4 other people. They put him in the auto and asked him to go to Lilavati Hospital. I dropped him there, and later I came to know that he was Saif Ali Khan. I saw blood flowing from his neck and back," the driver said.
What happened so far?
- An attacker entered Saif Ali Khan's house in the early hours of Thursday. He was in the children's room, where Taimur and Jeh live. This is where Saif's maid saw one of the attackers and started arguing with him.
- When Saif heard the sound and came into the room, he was attacked with a knife. He had two wounds on his hand. He also had wounds on his neck and spine.
- There was no driver in the house at the time of the incident. No one in the house knew how to drive an electric car. That is why we had to go to the hospital by auto.
- When Saif reached the hospital, he was covered in blood. Taimur was with him. A 2.5 inch long piece of knife was stuck in Saif's back. It has been removed through surgery and surgery has also been done on the neck.
- Saif is now out of danger. He has been shifted out of the ICU to a special ward. To protect him from infection, the doctors have banned him from meeting outsiders.
- The police is investigating the entire matter in depth, but till now the attackers are out of the reach of the police.
- In the building where Saif Ali Khan lives, security personnel are deployed in four layers. Even the lift doors open with the help of fingerprint or password. In such a situation, how did the accused enter his house and how did he manage to escape after attacking. This is a big question. The picture may become clear when the accused are caught.