The very popular reality show of the TV world 'Bigg Boss-18' has completed its journey of 87 days. Now only 10 contestants are left in the house. Kangana Ranaut had reached the set of Bigg Boss yesterday for the promotion of her film 'Emergency'. Here Kangana Ranaut has described Karanvir Mehra as the current top contestant of Bigg Boss-18. Karanvir Mehra may now be counted among the top contestants, but his journey to reach here has been very difficult. Karanvir Mehra had to face a lot of resentment in the initial days of Bigg Boss-18. Not only this, people even called Karanvir Mehra a person without a spine. Now Karanvir has made a strong comeback and has become a top contestant.
Now a big eviction can happen this week
The journey of Bigg Boss-18 is about to enter its final stage. Last week, Sara Khan was evicted from the show. Now only 10 contestants are left in the house. In which Karanvir has left behind Vivian Dsena, who is called the beloved actor of Colors. Kangana Ranaut herself revealed this on the set of Bigg Boss-18 yesterday. In which Kangana told that Karanvir Mehra is currently the top contestant of the show. Let us tell you that Karanvir Mehra and Chum Darang have a good friendship inside the house and both are strong contestants.
There is a war going on between these housemates in the show
Let us tell you that now only 10 contestants are left in the Bigg Boss-18 house and eviction is going to happen this week as well. If we talk about the top contestants inside the Bigg Boss-18 house at present, then the names of these include Karanvir Mehra, Vivian Dsena, Chum Darang, Avinash Mishra, Rajat Dalal, Isha Singh. Apart from this, a battle is being seen between Kashish Kapoor, Shilpa Shirodkar, Chahat Pandey and Shrutika inside the house. Now it has to be seen who gets evicted from the Bigg Boss house this week.