Winter is at its peak in the month of January. In such a situation, some of your habits can put your life in danger. If you are sleeping and then suddenly wake up and immediately get up from the bed and go to the washroom, then this is not right. Doing this in this severe winter can prove to be a big mistake. This habit of yours can cause heart attack, brain stroke and brain hemorrhage.
Actually, when people get out of bed immediately, the body temperature remains warm. But as soon as they come in contact with cold, the blood vessels start shrinking. But due to warm blood, the blood flow remains high. In such a situation, the blood pressure increases suddenly. If there is a blood clot, then due to lack of blood reaching the heart-brain, an attack or stroke can occur. Apart from this, due to over blood flow, the condition of brain hemorrhage is created when the veins of the brain burst.
Cases of brain haemorrhage are coming up continuously this winter. In some states, the number of brain haemorrhage patients has increased by 20%. In such a situation, let us know from Swami Ramdev how to take care of the health of heart and brain and how to avoid this winter?
Don't do this work after getting up from bed in winter
For this, it is important that you do not go anywhere directly after getting out of bed. First let your body come to normal temperature. Do any work only after that. If you have to get up from bed and go to the toilet, then wear warm clothes before going out. After waking up in the morning, do some stretching to warm up the body. Do light jogging. Do yoga and pranayam. This will normalize your body temperature.
Physical activity is essential
- Most people don’t exercise
- There are fewer people who exercise daily
- People don't work out properly
Danger from high blood pressure
- Brain Stroke
- Heart Attack
- Kidney failure
- Dementia
Symptoms of high BP
- Frequent headaches
- breathing problems
- tingling in the nerves
- Dizziness
How to prevent hypertension?
- Keep your diet healthy
- Control your weight
- reduce salt
- Do yoga-meditation
- stop alcohol
BP will be controlled
- drink plenty of water
- Reduce stress-tension
- Eat food on time
- Don't eat junk food
- Have 6-8 hours of sleep
- Avoid fasting