These days, cold wave continues in Delhi-NCR. The Meteorological Department has predicted rain during the weekend, which may increase the intensity of cold wave. According to the Meteorological Department, due to western disturbance, most of the states will receive rain in the coming days, due to which a drop in temperature can be recorded. According to IMD, the maximum temperature in Delhi today i.e. on January 9 is expected to be 20 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperature is expected to be 6 degrees Celsius. Apart from this, the department has issued an orange alert in view of the fog and cold wave conditions.
Cold and fog in Delhi
According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain in the capital Delhi on the weekend on January 11 and 12. On January 8, the sun came out in Delhi-NCR after more than a week, due to which people got some relief from the cold. However, fog and cold wave continued at night.
According to the forecast, there is an orange alert for dense fog today. There may be dense fog in most places in the morning, but after that the sun will shine during the day. There is a yellow alert for fog. It will be cloudy on January 11 and 12. There may be light rain and drizzle.
According to the Meteorological Department, cold wave has not been seen in January so far. Now cold wave can return with rain on the weekend. Winter rain was missing from Delhi in January 2023, but this time apart from Delhi, there is a possibility of rain in some parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Western Uttar Pradesh and North Madhya Pradesh.
How is the weather in UP?
At the same time, Uttar Pradesh is also in the grip of severe cold and fog. The state is experiencing severe cold during the day and night. The Meteorological Department has predicted dense fog and cold wave in the state on January 9. Apart from this, the department has issued a yellow alert for two days in the state regarding fog. On January 11, there may be rain with thunder. Due to rain, the temperature will drop.
Shivering cold in Bihar
Apart from this, shivering has increased due to cold westerly winds blowing in Bihar. Along with this, people of the state are also facing the brunt of fog. According to the Meteorological Department, there is no possibility of relief from cold in the state for the next 48 hours. At the same time, there is a possibility of no sunshine for the next two days.