Indian cricket team player Yuzvendra Chahal and his wife Dhanashree Verma have been making headlines for the past few days. There are reports of rift in their relationship and claims of divorce are being made. Amidst all these reports, a photo of Dhanashree Verma with choreographer Prateek Utekar is also going viral. With this photo, it is being claimed that Prateek Utekar is creating a rift in the relationship between Dhanashree and Yuzvendra Chahal. However, amidst these claims, Prateek Utekar's statement has also come out. Along with this, pictures of Prateek Utekar with other heroines are also going viral. In which Prateek Utekar is seen giving romantic poses with many big heroines including Malaika Arora, Karisma Kapoor and Madhuri Dixit. In such a situation, the question arising in the minds of the people is who is Prateek Utekar.
Who is Pratik Utekar?
Prateek Utekar is a resident of Mumbai and has earned a lot of name in the world of TV. Prateek started his career as a contestant in a dance reality show. After this, slowly and with hard work, Prateek became a star dancer in the world of TV. Not only this, after dance, Prateek took up the responsibility of choreography and has done a lot of work. Prateek has worked with many Bollywood superstars. These include superstars like Priyanka Chopra, Madhuri Dixit, Nora Fatehi and Salman Khan. Prateek Utekar is often seen in dancing reality shows. Prateek takes photos with the superstars who come here and posts them on his Instagram. In this sequence, Prateek also took a photo with Dhanashre.
How is Prateek's relationship with Dhanashree?
Prateek Utekar and Dhanashree both met on the sets of a dancing reality show. After working together here, Prateek also took a photo with Dhanashree. Later this photo went viral on social media. However, there is no affair between Prateek and Dhanashree. Prateek himself has clarified this on his Instagram post. Prateek wrote on his Instagram yesterday, 'The world is so useless that it filled my Instagram DM with just one photo and created its own stories. Please grow up.'