India's neighbouring country China on Sunday unveiled an updated model of its high-speed bullet train. The manufacturer of the train claims that during testing its speed reached 450 kilometres per hour. With this, it has become the world's fastest high-speed train.
There will be a reduction in travel time
According to China State Railway Group Company (China Railway), the new model, known as the CR450 prototype, will further reduce travel time and improve connectivity, making travel more convenient for passengers.
According to China State Railway Group, the CR450 is expected to significantly reduce travel times. For example, the Beijing-Shanghai train journey, which currently takes 4.5 hours, will now be reduced to just three hours.
The speed is 450 kilometers per hour
The CR450 prototype recorded a test speed of 450 kmph, state media here reported. This is much faster than the CR400 Fuxing high-speed rail (HSR) currently in service, which runs at 350 kmph, state news agency Xinhua said.
The world's largest high-speed rail network is in China
The unveiling of the CR450 solidifies China's position as a global leader in high-speed rail technology. China currently has the world's largest high-speed rail network, with 47,000 kilometers of operational tracks linking major cities.