
Sports: Indian politician Tejashvi Yadav made heads turn on social media as he shared his cricketing journey. Tejashwi, who is the son of former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav and an RJD leader, has claimed that Indian cricket great Virat Kohli played under his captaincy in domestic cricket. But, Tejashwi isn't happy that his cricketing career has been totally forgotten despite him being a star player during his active days in the domestic spectrum. In fact, the political leader also claimed that many of the current players in the Indian cricket team used to be his batchmates.

"I was a cricketer and no one talks about it. Virat Kohli played in my captaincy -did anyone ever talk about it? Why don't they do so? As a professional, I played a good cricket. Many Team India players are my batchmates.

"I had to quit as my both ligaments were fractured. Let it be," Yadav told Zee Media during an interview.
