Entertainment: Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff's big-budget film 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' was released in theatres on April 11, this year. And the film brought a great disappointment to the cast and makers after its disastrous performance a the box office. Several days after the release of the film, it has again come into discussion. The news of the rift between the producers Vashu Bhagnani-Jackky Bhagnani and director of 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' has gained momentum. The dispute over money between the two has increased so much that now both are accusing each other. While director Ali Abbas was accused of not getting his payment, now NRI producers Vashu and Jackky Bhagnani have also filed a complaint against Ali Abbas Zafar accusing him of misusing money.
What is the whole matter?
Pooja Entertainment owners Vashu and Jackky Bhagnani have accused Ali Abbas Zafar of embezzling funds on September 3. They have also filed a complaint against Zafar and have accused the director of misusing the subsidy funds received from Abu Dhabi officials during the shooting of the film 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan'. Along with Ali Abbas Zafar, the names of Himanshu Mehra and Aakash Ranadive have also surfaced in this case. In the copy of the FIR, it was told that this was a case of fraud, theft, blackmailing, extortion, money laundering and cheating. The makers say that Rs 9.50 crore has been misappropriated in this case.
Ali Abbas Zafar also made allegations a few days ago
Let us tell you, earlier in this case, Ali Abbas Zafar had accused the producers of not paying 7.35 crores. This matter has been in the limelight since Sunday, while in this case, the producers had already lodged a complaint at the Bandra Police Station on 3 September 2024. The producer claims that the director is spreading false rumours to prove himself right. Let us tell you that the film 'Bade Miyan Chote Miyan' was rejected by both the audience and the critics. On the other hand, Zafar has not made any successful movies after Yash Raj Films' Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai. After becoming independent, he is yet to give a hit.