Entertainment: The Entertainment world suffered another heartbreak when Malaika Arora's stepfather's death news went viral. According to Mumbai police, the death of actor-model Malaika Arora's father, Anil Mehta, appears to be suicide "prima facie," and all aspects of the case are under investigation. DCP Crime Branch, Raj Tilak Roshan, informed the media that the deceased's body had been submitted for a post-mortem. He stated that the police and forensic teams are conducting the probe.
Here's what Mumbai Police said on the death of Anil Mehta
"The body of one Anil Mehta (62) was discovered. He resided on the sixth floor. We are conducting additional investigations, and our team is present. We are thoroughly researching all possible aspects. Our teams are here, as are the forensic teams. The body is being taken for postmortem. We are doing a thorough investigation. We are investigating further since it appears to be suicide at first glance," Mumbai Police told ANI.
Malaika Arora was not home when her father died. The actor-model was apparently in Pune when the event occurred, and he quickly returned to Mumbai. Following the tragic news, Arbaaz Khan, the actor's ex-husband, visited Malaika's parents' home. Several police officers are present on the scene. More information is awaited on this matter.
The Arora Family dynamic
Malaika Arora's family consists of her sister Amrita Arora and her mother. While Malaika Arora's stepfather was a Hindu, her mother was a Christian from Kerala. When Malaika was six years old, her parents got divorced and she moved from Thane to Chembur with her mother. Her mother raised the actresses. In an interview given to Galata India, Malaika said, 'I had a wonderful childhood, but it was not easy. Looking back, I can describe it in turbulent words. But difficult times also teach you important lessons.' Malaika's mother got married for the second time only after divorcing her first father. And now the stepfather died by suicide.