National: Election strategist and Jan Suraj Abhiyan chief Prashant Kishor has responded to BJP's defeat in UP. In an interview with a private channel, he was asked the reason for BJP's defeat in UP. During this, the question was whether the infighting between Amit Shah and CM Yogi caused loss to BJP in UP?
On this Prashant Kishor said, 'I don't see it as a personal conflict. But if we look at it on a wider level, you will find its example in the 2009 Lok Sabha elections. When Modi ji was emerging as the new face of BJP and Advani ji was the leader of BJP. At that time BJP did not get very good success during the Lok Sabha election in Gujarat .'
The election strategist said, 'When I worked there in 2012, I realised that Modi Ji was in charge of the campaign in 2009 and Advani Ji was to become the Prime Minister. Why did he not succeed even after that? It is not that Modi Ji did anything to that campaign. But those who are Modi Ji's supporters have this thing in their mind that if Advani Ji wins, it will take more time for Modi Ji to move ahead.'
He said, 'I feel that this must have happened in UP as well. Many people felt that if Modi Ji and Amit Shah return with a huge majority, then Yogi Ji's chair could be in danger. This discussion has been held openly in the villages. Arvind Kejriwal had given a very politically accurate statement at that time. When I was walking in Bihar, people were asking me.'
Responding to this question, he said, 'People were asking if Yogi will be removed if 400 seats are achieved. This shows that this information had reached the supporters. But it is not true that he would have said something like this to his supporters.'