
Health News : It is essential to control the increasing uric acid level in time. Otherwise, you may have to face the consequences. You can overcome this problem by making some natural things a part of your diet. According to the 1mg website, some home remedies can be used to control high uric acid. Let us know about some such natural methods that can prove to be very helpful in removing uric acid from the body.

Celery will prove to be a panacea.

All the nutrients found in celery can prove to be effective in reducing your high uric acid level. You can use celery while cooking any food item. This spice has been used since grandmothers' time and is considered a boon for health.

You can include lemon water in your diet.

According to Acharya Shri Balkrishna, lemon water can prove beneficial in reducing increased uric acid. You should start drinking lemon water early in the morning. To get better results, squeeze a vitamin C-rich lemon in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it and see the positive effects yourself within a few weeks.  

You can use Bathua greens.

If you want, you can control the high uric acid level to a great extent by including bathua greens in your diet. For this, you have to extract juice from bathua leaves. Start drinking this natural drink early in the morning on an empty stomach. Keep in mind that you do not have to eat anything for about two hours after drinking the juice. You will start seeing the effect of this home remedy within just a week.

(This article is for general information; please consult a doctor before adopting any remedy)