
Health News : A new study by the American Psychological Association has come out which says that overthinking and doing challenging assignments increases the extra load on the brain. Then, people are unable to control themselves and start getting angry over small things. Not being able to control your aggression can sometimes harm yourself and others. This kind of resentment and anger also harms your health. Because if anger persists, it affects the vital organs of the body. Body function gets disturbed. The immune system deteriorates. The heartbeat becomes irregular. One does not even know when one becomes a patient of hypertension. And finally, people fall into the grip of depression. However, it is essential to free yourself from anger and negative emotions. Keep the mind calm so that life becomes happy. Let us know from Swami Ramdev how a person can control his emotions through yoga and meditation.

Anger worsens health 

  • Anger increases stress hormones
  • Stress hormones increase tension
  • Risk of brain stroke due to tension
  • Hypertension increases the risk
  • Tension can cause brain hemorrhage
  • Fear of arteries getting blocked due to stress-tension
  • The chances of heart attack increase

How to control increased aggression 

  • do yoga daily
  • take a short walk
  • Do meditation
  • Take a deep breath
  • listen to music
  • have a good sleep

Anger is dangerous, be careful 

  • Understand the pattern of anger
  • Do not lose your temper in anger
  • Learn self-control
  • Recognize the signs of anger

Anger will calm down 

  • Drink aloe vera and giloy juice
  • Do not eat sour things

Eliminate hypertension 

  • drink plenty of water 
  • Reduce stress-tension
  • Eat food on time
  • Don't eat junk food

Natural remedies will strengthen your heart 

  • 1 teaspoon Arjuna bark
  • 2 gms cinnamon
  • 5 Tulsi
  • make a decoction by boiling
  • Drinking it every day makes your heart healthy
