Exactly a week ago, on Thursday night, Saif Ali Khan was attacked with a sharp knife. This incident happened at the actor's house. He suffered serious injuries in this. The person who entered the house with the intention of theft attacked the actor 6 times. The actor, covered in blood, somehow reached the hospital by auto. During this time, his two sons Taimur and Jahangir were also with him. The actor also had a maid. The actor has now met the auto driver who took him to the hospital in a critical condition. After his health improved, the actor did not forget the auto driver who saved his life and he met him. Pictures of this meeting have also surfaced.
Saif met the auto driver
It is evident from these pictures that these are from Lilavati Hospital. These pictures were taken yesterday before the actor was discharged. Saif Ali Khan is seen smiling in these pictures. He is wearing a white shirt along with blue denim. Along with this, he is also wearing black goggles. The cover to be put on his injury is visible in his hand. The hospital bed is also visible in the background. Auto driver Bhajan Singh wearing a blue shirt is seen with him. The actor has put his hand on his shoulder. Both are sitting on the bed.
Saif met her before going home
Apart from this, another picture has also been taken in which both of them are standing. Saif Ali Khan looks very happy in both the pictures. These pictures were taken yesterday, when Saif Ali Khan was preparing to go to his house. The actor was spotted outside the house yesterday in these clothes. Let us tell you, Saif Ali Khan has undergone surgery after the accident. He is recovering. After spending 5 days in the hospital, he left for home on Tuesday.
The driver did not take the money
This accident happened with Saif Ali Khan around 2-2.30 in the night. During this time his driver was not present and neither did anyone at home know how to drive. In such a situation, the actor reached Lilavati Hospital by auto. The police also questioned the auto driver. The driver who took him to the hospital could not even recognize the actor. He told that the actor kept asking how long it would take for him to reach the hospital. Only after reaching the hospital, the driver came to know that the injured actor was Saif Ali Khan. The auto driver did not even take money from the actor for taking him to the hospital.