
These days, there have been a lot of changes in people's lifestyles, which has caused our bodies to pay the price of many serious diseases. For example, nowadays, people are very troubled by the problem of constipation. In the problem of constipation, the stomach is not clean, and a lot of force has to be exerted to defecate. This problem can happen to anyone. Especially those whose stomachs are not clean and who have to face it more. But, if you are continuously ignoring the problem of constipation, then due to this, you can fall prey to many serious diseases. Come on, let's learn ways to prevent it.

Ignoring the problem of constipation can lead to these serious diseases:

Haemorrhoids: Constipation makes it difficult to pass stools, which can lead to haemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your lower rectum. Hemorrhoids inside the rectum are usually painless, but they can bleed.

Anal fissure: When there is a cut in the anus or the tube, it can cause anal fissure. A cut in the anus or tube occurs when a hard stool comes or comes after a lot of strain. In this problem, sometimes blood also comes out with the stool, and due to constipation, there is constant itching near the anus.

Rectal prolapse : Rectal prolapse occurs when the rectum slips inside the anus. This is due to the weakening of the muscles that hold it in place. Rectal prolapse may look or feel like haemorrhoids, but unlike haemorrhoids, it does not heal independently. You will need surgery to fix it.

Fecal impaction : Fecal impaction is caused by persistent constipation. When stool gets stuck inside your rectum, this problem starts. In such a situation, to avoid these diseases, do not ignore the constipation problem and keep in touch with the doctor regularly.

How to protect yourself?

Constipation can be treated. Consult a doctor regularly if you have constipation. Take the medicines prescribed by him. Apart from this, improve your lifestyle. Eat vegetables rich in fiber. Drink plenty of water. Include liquids in your diet. Do not hold back stool when it comes. Exercise daily.