The Kapoor family has a different status in Hindi cinema. This family has given Bollywood many great stars. The Kapoor family is famous for acting as well as good looks. Be it Raj Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor-Randhir Kapoor or today's generation's Ranbir Kapoor, Kareena and Karisma. Shashi Kapoor was considered one of the most handsome stars of the Kapoor family. Meanwhile, Shashi Kapoor's granddaughter Shayra Kapoor is making a lot of headlines. Some of her pictures have surfaced, after seeing which her fans say that Shayra is not at all behind her sisters Kareena and Karisma in terms of beauty.
Shashi Kapoor's granddaughter is being discussed
Shashi Kapoor married Jennifer Kendall, an English actress, in 1958. Jennifer and Shashi Kapoor had three children. The couple named their children Kunal, Karan and Sanjana Kapoor. Kunal Kapoor has two children, Jahan and Shayra Kapoor. Both of Kunal Kapoor's children are working in Bollywood. Jahan has made his debut soon, he made his debut with the Netflix series 'Black Warrant', whose screening was attended by the entire Kapoor family.
Shashi Kapoor's granddaughter Shayra is in the news
Now Shashi Kapoor's granddaughter Shayra Kapoor is also being talked about, fans have fallen in love with her beauty. Shashi Kapoor's elder son Karan lives in London with his wife and children and maintains a distance from Bollywood. Shashi Kapoor's daughter Sanjana Kapoor has a son named Hamir Thapar. Hamir is a writer. Kunal's both children Jahan and Shayra are active in Bollywood.
Jahan and Shayra want to carry forward the legacy of grandfather Shashi Kapoor
Jahan and Shayra want to carry forward the legacy of their grandfather Shashi Kapoor. Shayra is active on social media, but only shares her work with her followers. Jahan recently shared some pictures in which her sister Shayra was also seen with her and her beauty caught everyone's attention. Fans are also expressing their desire to see Shayra on the silver screen.