Akshay Kumar and Veer Paharia's film 'Sky Force' was released in theaters on 24 January. Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan are also seen in lead roles in this film. This is Akshay Kumar's first film in 2025 as well as the first big release of the year. The film is getting a good response from the audience and a large number of people are coming to watch it. The film has earned well in the first weekend itself. After looking at the figures, you will say that now it seems that Akshay Kumar's sleeping luck is about to wake up. Akshay Kumar, who gave 10 flop films, seems to be on the verge of giving a successful film after two years. For now, let's take a look at how much the film has earned in three days.
Earned in three days
According to the report of SaccNilk, 'Sky Force', jointly directed by Sandeep Kewlani and Abhishek Anil Kapoor, earned Rs 12.25 crore on its first day. The earnings of the first day were satisfactory, but on the second day, there was a huge jump in its earnings. The film earned almost double by earning 22 crores on the second day. On the third day i.e. Sunday and on the occasion of Republic Day, the film earned Rs 27.50 crore. With this, the film earned Rs 61.75 crore across the country in three days. The film got a lot more viewers on the third day compared to the first two days. Now the film has the Monday test. If the film continues to earn well in the coming week, then it will recover its budget within 10 days.
Film budget
It is being said that the budget of Akshay Kumar and Veer Paharia's film 'Sky Force' is about Rs 150 crore. The cost of making the film's VFX increased a lot. At present, the film is far from its destination, but if it continues to earn at this pace, then it is expected that soon Akshay Kumar will have his first successful film of the year 2025. In the last 2 years, Akshay Kumar has given 10 consecutive flop films. Out of his 11 films, only 1 was successful. In such a situation, this film can change his fortune.
Such are the characters in the film
Let us tell you, the story of the film is based on a real life incident. Akshay Kumar and Veer Pahadia are seen as Indian Air Force officers. Nimrat Kaur and Sara Ali Khan have played the role of the wife of an Air Force officer. The story of the film is a salute to the brave officers of the Indian Air Force.