Four days ago, Asha Bhosle's granddaughter Janai Bhosle celebrated her birthday. Janai shared the pictures of the birthday party with fans on her Instagram handle. Many Bollywood stars were seen in these pictures, but people's attention was focused on just one photo and this picture started going viral in no time. In this picture, Indian cricketer Mohammad Siraj was seen with Janai Bhosle. Both were laughing while looking into each other's eyes. After seeing this picture, people were deceived and believed that these stars are dating each other. Then what happened, from here the dating rumors of both started and people started discussing it. Now Mohammad Siraj and Janai have noticed this dating rumor and they themselves have told the truth of their relationship to the people.
Both told the truth
Mohammad Siraj and Janai Bhosle have responded to these rumours on social media on social media itself. This response of both has silenced the people. This style of both is also being liked a lot. Janai posted the viral picture on her Instagram story and wrote in the caption, 'My dear brother.' The cricketer also immediately responded to this and while sharing this post on his Instagram story, he has written a whole poem in the caption. Mohammad Siraj wrote, 'There is no sister like my sister. I cannot live anywhere without her. Like the moon is among the stars, my sister is one in thousands.'
People called her 'bhabhi'
Now the answers of both are becoming increasingly viral on social media. People are liking the way both of them gave befitting replies. Well, now it is clear that there is no relationship between the two and there is nothing like the beginning of dating. Both have clarified with their answers that they are like brother and sister. Let us tell you, when the picture of both of them went viral, people were making many types of comments on Janai's Instagram post. Many people even called her Bhabhi.
Who is Janai Bhosle?
Janai is the granddaughter of famous singer Asha Bhosle. Janai is also a singer like her grandmother. Janai is just 23 years old. Janai, who looks very beautiful, also wants to try her hand at acting. Jackie Shroff, Ayesha Khan, and Shreyash Iyer also attended her birthday celebration.