Nowadays people are scared of the name of high cholesterol. High cholesterol is becoming a major cause of heart attack and stroke. To avoid this danger, first of all you should know how many types of cholesterol are there in the body. There are 2 types of cholesterol in our body, one is good cholesterol and the other is bad cholesterol. Good cholesterol is called high density lipoprotein (HDL) and bad cholesterol is called low density lipoprotein (LDL). Apart from this, it is also important for triglycerides to be normal in the blood. When the range of total cholesterol increases in the body and especially bad cholesterol increases, then many problems start developing rapidly.
What is cholesterol and how does it increase?
Cholesterol is a kind of sticky and wax-like substance in our blood. When cholesterol starts increasing in the blood, it starts accumulating in the blood arteries. This causes the arteries to shrink and blood circulation is affected. When blood flows slowly, it becomes difficult for it to reach the heart and brain. Which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Cholesterol starts increasing due to bad eating habits, unhealthy lifestyle and less physical activity.
What is the normal and high range of cholesterol?
According to doctors, if bad cholesterol is less than 100 mg/dL then it is normal. If it is 130 mg/dL or more then it is considered borderline. When this level goes above 160 mg/dL, it becomes dangerous. On the other hand, if good cholesterol is 60 mg/dL or more then it is normal. If it is less than 40 mg/dL then it is considered very low. This can affect heart health. The total of both cholesterols should be 200 mg/dL or less. This is considered normal range. If the cholesterol is 240 mg/dL then it is borderline for you. Cholesterol more than 240 is considered dangerous.
What are the risks of high cholesterol?
If the bad cholesterol in the body is above 190 mg/dL, then you must consult a doctor. This is a dangerous condition for you which can increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. In such a situation, contact the doctor immediately. If the total cholesterol is above 240, then this situation is alarming for you. If the amount of triglycerides is more than 150 mg/dL, then this is also dangerous. This can have a bad effect on your heart.