Health News : Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is suffering from a serious disease called 'leptospirosis'. Doctors said that he is being given antibiotics. The 50-year-old Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader was admitted to Fortis Hospital Mohali on Wednesday for a routine checkup. After being admitted to the hospital, Bhagwant Mann's leptospirosis report has come out. Let us tell you, leptospirosis is also known as rat fever. It is a bacterial infection caused by the bug Leptospira. Know from Dr. Vibhu, an allergy expert at Vibhu Nursing Home and Rainbow Hospital, what are the symptoms of this disease and what should be done to prevent it?
Leptospirosis Disease Symptoms
- High fever and headache
- Muscle cramps
- Feeling cold
- Severe muscle pain
- Stomach ache
- red spots on the skin
- Having jaundice
- coughing fits
What is leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by bacterial infection. This disease spreads from animals to humans. Leptospirosis spreads due to the urine of rats. If their urine goes into water or food, then this disease can occur due to that. If an animal has this germ and you touch it or through its mouth, you can also become its victim. If you are eating non-veg and there is leptospirosis inside its tissue, then also you can become its victim. In severe cases, it can cause respiratory problems. Heart, kidney and liver can also get damaged. There are also chances of death due to this.
How Leptospirosis Spreads
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 'leptospirosis' is a bacterial disease that affects both humans and animals. Humans become infected by direct contact with the urine of infected animals or urine-contaminated environments. The bacteria enter the body through cuts or abrasions on the skin or through the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes.
Treatment and prevention measures for leptospirosis
The best way to avoid leptospirosis is to stay away from contaminated water. Keep your food in a place where rats do not come. Always keep food in a sealed container. As far as possible, keep away from animal urine. Animals swim or bathe a lot in rivers and waterfalls, due to which you can get infected, so do not bathe in them. Where there is a flood, you need to take extreme precautions. You should never take any medicine on your own for this disease. If you are feeling any symptoms, then contact a doctor and get treatment only after consulting them.