National: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister visited Bahraich district on Sunday (September 15) and met with the families affected by recent wolf attacks. During his visit to Sisaiya Churaman village, he interacted with family members of the victims and conducted an aerial survey to assess the areas affected by the persistent wolf attack threat.
UP CM addresses wolf attack threat
Addressing a public gathering during his visit, CM Adityanath reviewed the situation in the region and informed the public about the state government's ongoing efforts to curb the crisis like situation.
He said, "Some children have died due to the terror of wolves over the last two months, and others have been injured. When I was first informed about this, I immediately instructed the administration to launch a campaign."
"In the span of two months, over eight human lives were lost in an area of 20 to 25 km. In the rescue operations conducted so far, five wolves have been captured, but one is still on the loose. The forest department team is here, and their priority is to rescue the wolf. If it poses a threat to human life, they have orders to shoot it, but that is a last resort," the CM added.