Heavy fog is being seen in North India including Delhi-NCR on Wednesday morning. Along with this, the cold has increased. Due to fog, the speed of trains has also slowed down. According to an update from Indian Railways, about 26 trains coming to Delhi are running late due to low visibility. Flight operations have also been affected due to fog in Delhi. According to the Meteorological Department, light rain may also occur in some parts of Delhi-NCR in the evening. This will further reduce the temperature.
Trains running late by more than 5 hours
About 26 trains coming to Delhi are running late due to dense fog. According to an update from Indian Railways, Madhubani Express is running late by 328 minutes i.e. more than 5 hours. Apart from this, many other trains including Bihar Sampark Kranti, Shram Shakti Express are running late. On Tuesday, a total of 39 trains were running late by 30 minutes to 4 hours.
Indigo and Delhi Airport issued advisory
Budget airline IndiGo issued an advisory on Wednesday morning saying that visibility has reduced due to fog in Delhi. The airline said, "We are keeping an eye on the weather and are making all efforts for your safe and smooth journey. We request you to stay updated with the status of your flight through our website and app." On the other hand, Delhi Airport has also issued an advisory to its passengers. The airport wrote, "Landing and takeoff are continuing at Delhi Airport. Flights not CAT III compliant may be affected. Passengers are requested to stay connected with their respective airlines and stay updated with flight information."