RPF Constable Application Status Released: An important information related to Railway Police Force (RPF) Constable Recruitment has come to light. Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) has released the application form status of the candidates for RPF Constable Recruitment. From January 17, candidates can check the status of their application, which is for RPF 02/2024 Constable Recruitment Exam. Candidates can check this status by visiting the official website www.rrbapply.gov.in and know whether their application has been accepted or not. A direct link has also been provided in the news for more information in this regard.
Applicants were waiting for the update for a long time
Candidates were waiting for a long time for the update for the Railway Protection Force Constable Recruitment Exam. Now the Railway Recruitment Board has released the status of the application form of the candidates, so that they can know whether their form has been accepted or rejected. Candidates will be able to download their city intimation slip 10 days before the exam. At the same time, the admit card will be issued 4 days before the exam.
RPF Constable Recruitment 2024: How to Check Application Status?
To check RPF Constable Application Status, candidates can follow the following steps:
- First of all go to the official website of RRB www.rrbapply.gov.in .
- After visiting the website, candidates should login by entering their email/mobile number and password.
- After signing in, you will see a link to check application status.
- After clicking on the link, you will see the status of the form as "Accepted" or "Rejected".
RPF Constable Recruitment Exam Date and Selection Process
The RPF constable recruitment drive is for more than 4,000 posts, in which applications were invited from 10th pass candidates in April-May 2024. The examination for this recruitment is likely to be held between March-April this year, although its official date has not been announced yet. In the RPF Constable Recruitment Exam, candidates will be selected on the basis of written test, physical efficiency test (PET), document verification and medical test.