A student has committed suicide in Nagpur district of Maharashtra. According to information received from the police, a 16-year-old boy allegedly committed suicide by jumping from the roof of his hostel on Tuesday. According to the information, the incident took place in the morning in Wanadongri area under MIDC police station. Police said that the deceased was a resident of Chandrapur district and his father is a businessman in South Africa.
Police said that Class 12 student Ryan Mohammad Riyaz Khan jumped from the roof of his four-floor hostel. They said that the security guard heard the sound of something falling and saw that the student was covered in blood, after which he was taken to a hospital but the doctors there declared him dead.
The student was stressed about the 12th board exam
According to the police, the deceased was stressed about his class 12 board exams and had told his mother that he would not appear for the exams. An official said that a case of accidental death has been registered in this regard.
IIT Kharagpur student dies
Recently, news of the death of a student came to light in Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. A student was found dead in his hostel. The deceased Shaun Malik was a third year student of Electrical Engineering. An official had said that the institute will conduct an internal investigation into the student's death and take steps to prevent such incidents in future.
According to the information, the deceased's parents had come to meet him and they found him hanging from the noose inside the room on Sunday. The officer had told that when he did not respond even after repeated calls, his parents and the institute staff opened the door of the hostel room.