National: The Special Investigation Team (SIT) has launched a probe into the tampering of ghee allegedly used in the sacred preparation of Tirumala Srivari Laddu Prasadam. The team has reached Tirupati and is conducting a detailed investigation to ascertain the facts.
SIT arrives in Tirupati to investigate
The SIT tasked with probing the alleged wastage of butter at the revered Tirumala Srivari Laddu has reached Tirupati. The team is carrying out inquiries in Tirupati and Tirumala, focusing on identifying the source and extent of the adulteration.
Investigation underway
Authorities are working to gather all relevant evidence and information. The aim of the survey is to measure the integrity of the supply chain and to identify where bottlenecks have occurred.
Report to be submitted within 10 days
The SIT will compile its findings in a detailed report, which is expected to be submitted to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) in the next 10 days. This report will serve as the basis for new legal and administrative policies.
The probe has attracted a lot of attention because Srivari Laddu Prasadam has a great spiritual significance for the devotees. The authorities assured the public that strict action would be taken against those involved.