India's Defense Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday issued a strong warning about future wars. Rajnath Singh said in a program organized on the occasion of the 77th Army Day that conflicts and wars will become more violent and unpredictable in the coming days. Defense Minister Rajnath Singh has also expressed concern over the emergence of 'non-state actors' in many countries and their resorting to terrorism.
Indian Army is becoming modern- Rajnath Singh
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh has said in his address that the central government is leaving no stone unturned in modernising the armed forces of India. Rajnath Singh said that we have to keep in mind the changing world order and the changing character of war. Rajnath Singh said that in the coming times, conflicts and wars will be more violent and unpredictable. This is because the use of non-traditional and asymmetric methods in warfare is increasing.
Cyber and space are new war zones: Rajnath Singh
Defence Minister Rajnath Singh also said on Wednesday that technology is developing rapidly in the world. In such a situation, a lot of changes will be seen in future wars. Rajnath Singh further said that cyber and space areas are now rapidly emerging as new war areas. Along with this, a war of debate is also being fought all over the world. Rajnath Singh has asked the Indian Army to always be ready to face these many challenges.
Strength is necessary for peace- Rajnath Singh
On this occasion, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh paid tribute to the land of Chhatrapati Shivaji and freedom fighters like Bal Gangadhar Tilak. He also said that strength is necessary to establish peace and self-reliance is necessary for strategic autonomy. Rajnath Singh further said that to make India developed by 2047, a strong security system, strong army and secure borders are required.