National; The Delhi government on Monday imposed the restrictions under Stage 4 of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP-4) after the Air Quality Index (AQI) crossed 450 for the first time this season. The GRAP-4 restrictions cover a range of sectors, including the closure of physical classes and the ban on all construction activities. During GRAP-4 restriction period, the construction of all highways, roads, flyovers, power lines, pipelines and other public projects remained halted.
What are the restrictions under the GRAP-4 implementation?
According to the notification issued by the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas,
- Stop entry of truck traffic into Delhi (except for trucks carrying essential
- commodities/ providing essential services). A11 LNG/CNG/ Electric/ BSVI Diesel trucks) shall, however, be permitted to enter Delhi.
- Do not permit LCVs registered outside Delhi, other than EVs/CNG/ BSVl diesel, to enter l) Delhi, except those carrying essential commodities/providing essential services.
- Enforce a strict ban on plying of Delhi-registered IlS, lV and below diesel-operated Medium Goods Vehicles (MGVs) and Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) in Delhi, except those carrying essential commodities/providing essential services.
- Ban C&D (Construction and development) activities, as in the GRAP Stage-lll, also lor linear public projects such as highways, roads, flyovers, overbridges, power transmission, pipelines, telecommunication etc.
- NCR state governments and GNC'I'D may take a decision on discontinuing physical classes even for classes VI - IX, class XI and conduct lessons in an online mode.
- NCR state governments/CNCTD to take a decision on allowing the public,
- municipal and private offices to work on 50% strength and the rest to work from home.
- The central government may make appropriate decisions on permitting work
- from home for employees in central government offices.
- State governments may consider additional emergency measures like closure of colleges/educational institutions and closure of non-emergency commercial activities, permitting running of vehicles on the odd-even basis of registration numbers etc.
Meanwhile, with the ban on Ban C&D (Construction and development) activities in Delhi, several private and government projects are going to be affected.
List of major projects affected due to restrictions
- Construction of CRPF headquarters building on Lodhi Road in New Delhi.
- The third and fourth lines of the Anand Vihar-Tilak Bridge are being constructed
- The construction of ITI, Shahdara's additional building and workshop
- Construction of all metro projects in Delhi
- All construction under the Delhi–Meerut Regional Rapid Transit System (Delhi–Meerut RRTS) project