New Delhi. Congress MP Priyanka Gandhi's bag with Palestine written on it is being discussed from Israel to Pakistan. Now Fawad Chaudhary, who was a minister in Imran Khan's government, also shared Priyanka Gandhi's photo on his x account and praised her a lot. In the photo, Priyanka Gandhi is carrying a bag supporting Palestine on her shoulder. The bag has watermelon and other symbols on it. These symbols are considered important in Palestine's culture.
No Pakistani MP has shown such courage
Former minister Fawad Chaudhary wrote that what else can we expect from the granddaughter of a great freedom fighter like Jawaharlal Nehru? Priyanka Gandhi has made her presence felt. It is shameful that till date no Pakistani MP has shown such courage.
Priyanka Gandhi is an MP from Wayanad
Priyanka Gandhi Vadra has recently won the by-election on the Wayanad Lok Sabha seat. Earlier her brother Rahul Gandhi was the MP from here. But he retained the Rae Bareli seat and vacated the Wayanad seat. In the by-election that followed, Congress made Priyanka Gandhi its candidate. Priyanka has reached the Lok Sabha by winning the election for the first time.
BJP took aim
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) gave its reaction on Priyanka Gandhi Vadra's bag. BJP MP Sambit Patra says that the Gandhi family has always been carrying the bag of appeasement. He also said that this appeasement is also the reason for the defeat of Congress.