New Delhi. Central Warehousing Corporation has announced recruitment for various posts including Management Trainee, Accountant, Superintendent. The application process for this recruitment has also been started by CWC, which will continue till the last date of 12 January 2025. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility for this recruitment and are looking for a government job can fill the application form on the official website within the stipulated dates. Before filling the form, the candidates must check the eligibility and criteria as per the post.
Recruitment Details
A total of 179 vacant posts will be recruited through this recruitment. Out of this, 40 posts are reserved for Management Trainee (General), 13 posts for Management Trainee (Technical), 9 posts for Accountant, 22 posts for Superintendent (General), 81 posts for Junior Technical Assistant, 2 posts for Superintendent (General)- SRD (NE), 10 posts for Junior Technical Assistant - SRD (NE) and 2 posts for Junior Technical Assistant - SRD (Ladakh Union Territory).
application process
To join this recruitment, all the candidates can apply themselves. In case of any problem in the application, follow the steps given below-
- First of all go to the official website to fill the application form.
- On the home page of the website, you have to go to current openings by clicking on the career button.
- Now you have to click on CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENT NO. 2024/01.
- On the new portal, first click on Click here for New Registration and register by filling the required details.
- After registration, fill other details and upload signature and photograph.
- Now deposit the prescribed fee and take a printout of the completely filled form and keep it safe.