National: In a dramatic turn of events, the Commissionerate Police in Jalandhar successfully arrested two infamous gangsters linked to the notorious "Landa Group" after a fierce shootout. The operation, which unfolded in the heart of the city, resulted in a violent exchange of gunfire, leaving two police officials injured and the accused gangsters also suffering injuries.
The intense gun battle saw over 50 shots fired from both sides, with the gangsters attempting to flee after being cornered by law enforcement officers. During the operation, the police seized a significant haul, including seven firearms and multiple cartridges, highlighting the dangerous nature of the criminals involved.
According to sources within the Commissionerate Police, the arrested gangsters are allegedly responsible for a range of heinous crimes, including extortion, murder, and attempted murder. The Landa Group, known for its ruthless tactics and involvement in organized crime, has long been a thorn in the side of law enforcement in the region.
The high-stakes chase began when the police received a tip-off about the gangsters’ whereabouts. Upon spotting the suspects, the police attempted to apprehend them, but the gangsters opened fire, sparking the violent confrontation. In the aftermath, two police officials sustained injuries, though their condition is reported to be stable. Both gangsters were also injured in the exchange and are currently under medical care.
The Commissioner of Police, Jalandhar, expressed determination to dismantle the organized crime syndicates operating in the region, vowing that this incident would not deter the force's efforts to ensure the safety and security of the public.
"We will continue our relentless efforts to eliminate the influence of criminal gangs in Jalandhar," the CP said, emphasising the police department's commitment to maintaining law and order. "The arrest of these dangerous criminals is just the beginning of our ongoing campaign against organized crime."
The operation has been hailed as a major success for the Jalandhar Commissionerate Police in their battle against rising criminal activities in the area, with officials promising more such operations in the future to tackle organized crime head-on.