A horrific road accident took place in Pune, Maharashtra on Sunday midnight, in which three people including two children died on the spot. It is being told about the road accident that a drunk driver crushed nine people sleeping on the footpath in Pune with his truck, in which three people died on the spot. This accident has created a sensation in the entire area. Out of the nine people, three have died, six people have been injured, who have been admitted to Sasoon General Hospital and are undergoing treatment.
It is being said that the incident took place on Sunday night at around 12.30 am in Kesnand Phata area of Wagholi where a truck driver crushed people sleeping on the footpath. The deceased in the accident have been identified as Vaibhavi Pawar (1), Vaibhav Pawar (2) and Vishal Pawar (22).
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According to the information received, all those killed and injured in the accident were labourer families who had come here from Amravati. When all of them were fast asleep on the roadside footpath, a drunk dumper driver crushed these sleeping people. The condition of three of the injured is critical.