New Delhi. NCP-SCP chief Sharad Pawar met Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Parliament on Wednesday. During this, Pawar discussed the issue of farmers with PM Modi. According to the information received, NCP-SCP chief Sharad Pawar met Prime Minister Narendra Modi along with pomegranate farmers from Satara and Phaltan and presented him pomegranates. Sharad Pawar stressed that there was no political discussion in the meeting.Recently, Sharad Pawar had written a letter to the PM inviting him to inaugurate the 98th Marathi Sahitya Sammelan to be held at Talkatora Stadium in the national capital in February.After the meeting with the Prime Minister, Pawar said, I did not talk about the literary conference.Sharad Pawar's meeting with PM Modi has come at a time when bitterness was seen in the rhetoric during the recent Maharashtra assembly election campaign. In this election, the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) faced a crushing defeat