Christmas holiday, the Indian stock market opened with a gain on Thursday. The Bombay Stock Exchange index Sensex opened at 78,557.28 points today. In early trade, it was seen trading at 78,816 with a gain of 0.44 percent or 344 points. In early trade, out of the 30 Sensex stocks, 28 were in the green and 2 were in the red. At the same time, the National Stock Exchange index Nifty was seen trading at 23,816 with a gain of 0.37 percent or 88.95 points today. Out of the 50 stocks of the Nifty pack, 42 were in the green and 8 were in the red.
These stocks saw a rise
Among the Nifty pack stocks, Maruti witnessed the biggest gain of 1.11%, BPCL 1.10%, SBI 1%, Axis Bank 1% and ICICI Bank 0.94%. Asian Paints witnessed the biggest decline of 0.49%, Cipla 0.32%, Trent 0.24%, Dr. Reddy 0.23% and TCS 0.14%.
Status of sectoral indices
Talking about sectoral indices, today the highest rise was seen in Nifty PSU Bank at 1.42 percent. Apart from this, Nifty Metal saw a decline of 0.09 percent, Nifty Private Bank 0.71 percent, Nifty Oil & Gas 0.51 percent. Apart from this, Nifty Midsmall IT & Telecom saw a decline of 0.10 percent, Nifty Consumer Durables 0.03 percent, Nifty Healthcare Index 0.22 percent, Nifty Realty 0.59 percent, Nifty Pharma 0.34 percent, Nifty Media 0.65 percent, Nifty IT 0.04 percent, Nifty FMCG saw a decline of 0.16 percent.