National: Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister, Nationalist Congress Party's Ajit Pawar will continue to use the "clock" election symbol but will have to give a declaration within 36 hours that the matter is still under the consideration of the Supreme Court. At a hearing in the Supreme Court today, the judges noted that the Ajit Pawar faction has not complied with its orders and gave it a 36-hour deadline. The matter will be heard next on November 13 -- one week before the assembly election.
The Sharad Pawar faction, which has challenged the Election Commission's move to award the clock symbol to the Ajit Pawar faction, had again contended that a new symbol be allotted to the rival group.
They also claimed that the Ajit Pawar faction continues the use of the clock symbol without clarifying the matter is sub judice, violating the earlier order of the court.
"Yesterday, when the leaders of Ajit Pawar faction were asked by the media about the Supreme Court hearing, they said, 'Nothing is going to happen. We will contest the election on the clock symbol'. Look at their arrogance.
The Sharad Pawar faction also contended that that the Ajit Pawar group was showing videos of Sharad Pawar and the clock symbol.
Justice Dipankar Dutta -- part of the three-judge bench that also had Justices Suryakant and Ujjal Bhuiyan -- today said he had personally noticed the lack of a disclaimer.