The ruling Congress party leadership in Karnataka and Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday appealed to the party MLAs to refrain from making public statements. According to Congress sources, the party high command has also asked the MLAs to abide by whatever decision they take. This message was given in the Congress Legislative Party (CLP) meeting, which was held on Monday evening. Congress general secretaries Randeep Singh Surjewala and Jairam Ramesh were also present in the meeting.
Opinion was given on the issue of leadership change
According to sources, this instruction was given especially at a time when many MLAs and ministers of the party had publicly expressed their opinion on the issue of leadership change. Some MLAs have hinted at the possibility of leadership change, while some have denied it and rejected it completely. This development has created an atmosphere of discussions about politics and possible change of power within the Congress party.
After dinner, speculation of change of power intensified
However, after Chief Minister Siddaramaiah's recent meeting with select Dalit and Scheduled Tribe cabinet colleagues at a dinner hosted by Minister Satish Jarkiholi's residence, there has been a growing buzz within the Congress that there could be a change of guard in the state after the state budget in March. In particular, there is talk within the party that this change could be under a 'second chief minister' or 'power-sharing' formula.
There is also a discussion about making the Chief Minister in turns
Along with this, another news also came out that after the 2023 assembly elections, there was an agreement within the Congress party, according to which Siddaramaiah and DK Shivakumar were to be made the Chief Minister in turn. This situation is pointing towards a new direction on the political chessboard of Karnataka and various discussions are going on in the party regarding future leadership change.