Business: Bollywood king Shah Rukh Khan has managed to make his place in the country's billionaires list for the first time. King of the Indian entertainment industry Shah Rukh Khan has been included in the Hurun India Rich List 2024 for the first time with a net worth of Rs 7300 crore. King Khan has been able to make his place in this list due to his stake in Kolkata Knight Riders and Red Chillies Entertainment. In the Hurun India Rich List, Bollywood king Amitabh Bachchan, Juhi Chawla and Family, Karan Johar and Hrithik Roshan have also been included in this list for the first time.
Shahrukh Khan's property is worth Rs 7300 crore
According to Hurun India, the people who have been included in the list of rich people from the world's largest film producing industry do not only rule through acting but also run their own production houses. 58-year-old Shahrukh Khan, founder of Red Chillies Entertainment, has been included in this list for the first time and his total wealth is Rs 7300 crore. His production house has produced many big and successful films. Hurun India said, Shahrukh Khan's wealth has also increased due to the IPL cricket team Kolkata Knight Riders, which is a successful franchise.
7 people in the entertainment industry have added Rs 40,500 crore
Hurun India founder and chief researcher Anas Rehman Junaid said, "Cricket and movies are the heartbeat of India. Film star Shah Rukh Khan has been included in the Hurun India Rich List for the first time due to his holding value in IPL team Kolkata Knight Riders." Junaid said, "Seven people from the entertainment industry who have been included in the Hurun India Rich List for the first time have added wealth of Rs 40,500 crore in a year."