Business: To ensure passengers' safety amid repeated train accidents, Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav on Tuesday said the Centre has taken a big decision and said the safety system of railway tracks will be strengthened. He added that the Indian Railways will now install around 75 lakh AI-powered CCTV cameras in trains. Apart from the coach, cameras will also be installed in the locomotive engine to alert the loco pilot.
He stated that discussions are underway to finalise a range of AI-equipped CCTV cameras to be mounted on locomotives as well.
Ashwini Vaishnav added that the Indian Railways plans to install 75 lakh AI-powered CCTV cameras in coaches and locomotives at a cost of around Rs 15,000 crore to enhance security. These cameras will detect suspicious objects on the tracks and alert drivers to apply emergency brakes.
According to the Railway minister, the Indian Railways plans to equip 40,000 coaches, 14,000 locomotives and 6,000 EMUs with AI-operated CCTV cameras.