Business: Reliance Industries Chairman Mukesh Ambani has announced the launch of Jio AI Cloud Offer in which every Jio user will be given 100 GB cloud storage absolutely free. Mukesh Ambani has announced this in the 47th AGM meeting of Reliance Industries. Mukesh Ambani said, Jio AI-Cloud Welcome offer will be launched on Diwali this year.
Mukesh Ambani said, I am very happy to announce the Jio AI Cloud Welcome Offer. Jio users will get 100 GB FP cloud storage in which they will be able to store their photos, videos, documents and other digital content and data. He said, we will launch the Jio AI Cloud Welcome Offer on Diwali this year, through which we are bringing powerful and affordable solutions in which cloud data storage and data-powered AI services will be available to everyone everywhere.
Addressing the Reliance AGM meeting, Mukesh Ambani said, Jio is developing tools and platforms that will see the entire AI lifecycle, which has been named Jio Brain. He said, Reliance is building gigawatt-scale AI ready sets in Jamnagar, Gujarat, which will be powered by the company's green energy.
Mukesh Ambani said, Reliance Jio has become the world's largest mobile data company. 8 percent of the world's mobile data traffic runs on Jio's network alone. How big this figure is can be estimated from the fact that it is more than all major global operators including developed markets. Addressing the AGM meeting, Akash Ambani said that with Jio Phonecall AI, users will be able to take help of AI in every phone call. AI will record all the calls itself and save them on the cloud. Along with that, it will transcribe the entire conversation and convert it into text format.