Education: The Delhi High Court has directed the Vice Chancellor of Delhi University and other concerned respondents to address a representation seeking the implementation of 50% women's reservation in the Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) elections. The court's directive comes after a petition was filed seeking to increase women's representation in the student union elections. The petition argued that the current lack of representation of women in the union was a violation of their rights and hindered their ability to participate in the decision-making process.
The court directed the authorities to consider the representation and take necessary steps to implement the 50 per cent reservation for women in the DUSU elections within three weeks. This move is expected to increase women's participation and representation in the student union, promoting gender equality and inclusivity.
DUSU Elections on September 27
The elections for the Delhi University Students' Union (DUSU) for the 2024-25 academic year are scheduled to be conducted on September 27. The window for submission of nomination is open till September 17. Candidates willing to withdraw their nominations may do so by 12 noon on September 18, with the final list of contesting candidates to be published by 5 pm on the same day, as reported by PTI.
What is DUSU?
The full form of DUSU is Delhi University Students Union. It is a representative body for students from most of the colleges and faculties within Delhi University. Each college has its student union, with elections held annually. The representatives get selected through direct voting by students from the university and its affiliated colleges, typically held between August and September each year.