Education News : This time a lot of strictness is being seen in UP Police Constable Recruitment. This time verification of all the candidates has been done on Aadhaar basis. Also, everyone's documents are being matched. It is expected that this will help in stopping solvers. Meanwhile, 20 thousand candidates have come under suspicion before the exam. Let us inform you that UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam is starting from 23 August.
20 thousand candidates are under suspicion
According to the information received from the board, 20 thousand candidates are under suspicion in the UP Police Constable Recruitment Exam. The information given in their Aadhaar card is not matching with the documents. In such a situation, the UP Police Recruitment Board has called these students to the centers two and a half hours before the start of the examination. Their e-verification will be done and action will be taken against those whose documents are found to be wrong. Aadhaar verification of the candidates has been done to stop solvers.
Police is keeping an eye
Also, the STF and the district police are keeping an eye on the paper leak, solver racket and copy mafia of the written exam of the constable recruitment exam. These include people whose names have come up in such cases during the last 12 years. The name of Subhaspa MLA Bediram is also included in these, the STF has arrested Bediram several times on the charge of leaking the paper. The recruitment board has also given a list of 1541 accused to the STF and the district police, most of whom are out on bail, these 1541 accused are also being monitored.