National: The Aam Aadmi Party on Wednesday released the fourth list of candidates for the upcoming Haryana Assembly elections. The new list contains the names of 21 candidates. AAP has fielded Joga Singh from Ladwa against CM Nayab Singh Saini. Moreover, the party has given tickets to wrestler Kavita Dalal against Congress candidate and Olympian Vinesh Phogat.
On Monday, the AAP released their first list of 20 candidates and two other lists of 9 and 11 candidates. With the latest list, AAP has announced candidates for 61 seats, out of 90-seat assembly.
List of candidates
- Ambala Cantonment: Raj Kaur Gill
- Yamunanagar: Lalit Tyagi
- Ladwa: Joga Singh
- Kaithal: Satbir Goyat
- Karnal: Sunil Bindal
- Panipat Rural: Sukhbir Malik
- Ganaur: Saroj Bala Rathi
- Sonipat: Devender Gautam
- Gohana: Shiv Kumar Rangeela
- Baroda: Sandeep Malik
- Julana: Kavita Dalal
- Safidon: Nisha Deshwal
- Tohana: Sukhwinder Singh Gill
- Kalanwali: Jasdev Nika
- Sirsa: Sham Mehta
- Uklana: Narender Uklana
- Narnaund: Rajiv Pali
- Hansi: Rajender Sorkhi
- Hisar: Sanjay Satrodia
- Badli: Happy Lohchab
- Gurgaon: Nishant Anand
The AAP released its four list after the alliance talks with Congress yielded no results. Notably, the statements were made from both sides that they were negotiating for a united contest in the Haryana assembly polls. However, AAP and Congress failed to reach a consensus on seat sharing. Reportedly, AAP was demanding ten seats in a 90-seat assembly, but the Congress denied its demand, parting ways for isolated struggle in the elections. The AAP later announced that it would contest all the 90 seats. As AAP has announced candidates for 61 seats, the candidate announcement is only left for 29 seats.