New Delhi: Jailed alleged fraudster Sukesh Chandrashekhar has said that he will donate Rs 15 crore to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund for the landslide in Wayanad, Kerala. According to reports, he has written a letter to Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and requested him to accept his contribution of Rs 15 crore to the Chief Minister's Disaster Relief Fund given the landslide in Wayanad district. Let us tell you that Chandrashekhar is lodged in Mandoli Jail in New Delhi.
'The situation in Kerala deeply saddens me.'
In his letter, Sukesh Chandrasekhar said that he is 'deeply saddened' by the situation Kerala is going through. He has written that he wants to help in this time of need. Chandrasekhar's lawyer, Anant Malik, confirmed that he has written this letter, which says, 'I request to accept the contribution of Rs 15 crore for the Chief Minister's Disaster Relief Fund on behalf of my foundation.'
'I will also contribute to 300 houses.'
Sukesh has also offered to contribute towards the construction of 300 houses. He wrote, 'In addition to the above contribution being made today, I also pledge my support towards the immediate construction of 300 houses to help the affected people.' Chandrashekhar claimed that this contribution will be made from 'legitimate business accounts'. He requested the state government to accept this offer and use it for the welfare and rehabilitation of the people affected by the landslide tragedy.
Sukesh's wife is also in jail.
According to reports, the Kerala government has not yet responded to Chandrasekhar's letter. The alleged conman and his wife are in jail on charges of money laundering and cheating several people. According to officials, the death toll in the devastating landslides that struck Mundakkai and Choorlamalla on July 30 has risen to 226. According to data released by the local administration on Wednesday, 138 people are still missing.