Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann removed his Officer on Special Duty (OSD) Onkar Singh from the post on Monday. The major development comes a day after, Mann carried out a significant reshuffle in his Cabinet by dropping four ministers. Chetan Singh Jouramajra (The public relations, mining and horticulture), Bram Shankar Jimpa (revenue), Balkar Singh (local bodies) and Anmol Gagan Mann (tourism) were removed from the Mann Cabinet, following their resignation.
National: Meanwhile, Mann government is set to induct new ministers into its cabinet on Monday. Four key ministers resignation was accepted by the Mann government and forwarded to the Governor with immediate effect on Sunday. The Punjab government announced that the cabinet expansion will take place soon.
Here are the probable names of the ministers
- Barinder Goyal, MLA from Lehra Gaga, who defeated former Punjab Chief Minister Rajinder Kaur Bhattal.
- Hardeep Singh Mundian, MLA from Sahnewal.
- Taranpreet Singh Sond, MLA from Khanna.
- Mahinder Bhagat, MLA from Jalandhar West.
This marks the fourth cabinet expansion under the Mann government.