National: Actress-turned-BJP leader Khushbu Sundar on Wednesday said that Justice Hema Committee is very much needed to stop the mistreatment of women in Malayalam cinema. She also urged women not to compromise and raise their voice for the victims of sexual harassment by men.
In fact, the report of Justice Hema Committee on the Malayalam film industry has created a stir in the entire industry. Khushboo said in a post on X, "The MeToo movement going on in our industry breaks you."
Hema committee is very much needed
The BJP leader said, "Congratulations to the women who stood their ground and won. The Hema committee was much needed to stop abuses, but will it be able to do so?"
The Kerala government constituted the Hema Committee in 2017
Actually, Justice Hema Committee was constituted by the Kerala government in 2017. Its report revealed cases of harassment and exploitation of women in the Malayalam film industry. The committee has revealed exploitation and abuse of women, due to which many female actresses have accused their male counterparts and other men in the film industry of harassment.