National: Former RJD MLC Sunil Singh on Friday approached the Supreme Court. Sunil Singh was stripped of his membership from the MLC on charges of behaving indecently with Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and imitating him. RJD had alleged that the Nitish government was violating parliamentary traditions.
The Supreme Court has issued a notice to the Legislative Council office on Sunil Singh's petition. Let us tell you that last month (July) Sunil Singh's membership was cancelled on the recommendation of the Legislative Council's Ethics Committee.
Allegation of insulting the Chief Minister in the House
RJD MLC Sunil Singh had to pay a heavy price for mocking Chief Minister Nitish Kumar through mimicry during the budget session. The case was related to misbehavior with Nitish Kumar in the House during the debate on the Governor's address during the budget session.
A committee was formed to investigate this matter. The investigation committee was formed on the demand of Bhishma Committee. The allegations were found to be true in the investigation of the video related to the matter. After this, Sunil Singh had to lose his position as a Legislative Councilor after the action of the Ethics Committee.
Two people behind Sunil Singh losing his membership?
RJD had alleged that two people were behind Sunil Singh losing his membership. RJD said that two people had written this script long ago to get a Lok Sabha ticket and the Deputy Speaker's chair. Both of them have got the reward for this. However, RJD did not disclose the names.