National: A farmer who went to irrigate his field in Mahuar Khurd village of Mufassil police station area of Gaya district of Bihar died due to electric shock on Friday (September 06). Meanwhile, while saving his father, the 22-year-old son also got electrocuted and both father and son died on the spot. After receiving the information, the police reached the spot and are investigating the matter. There is chaos in the farmer's family after the incident.
Farmers were struck by electric current
It is being told that 55-year-old farmer Ramchandra Mahato of Mahuar Khurd village had gone to irrigate his field. During this time, an electric wire broke and fell in his field. Then he came in contact with the electric current. Seeing his father writhing in pain in the field, 22-year-old son Babbu Kumar ran to save him. While trying to save his father, he himself got caught in the electric current and both father and son fell unconscious. Seeing this, other farmers working in the nearby field ran to save both of them, but by then both father and son had died.
Post mortem was conducted at Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College
Hearing the noise of electric shock, other villagers and relatives reached the spot and both were immediately admitted to Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital in Gaya city, where the doctor declared both of them dead. After the incident, the Mufassil police station took the bodies of both of them in their custody and sent them to Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College Hospital for postmortem. There is mourning in the village after the incident and the family members are crying inconsolably. People gathered at the farmer's house to console the family members.