National: The 10-minute meeting between Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and former Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav on Tuesday (September 3) has raised the political temperature. The market of speculation has heated up with many kinds of discussions. It is being seen from different angles. Now a statement has also come from the BJP, the ally in the government, on this. Deputy CM Samrat Chaudhary and Bihar BJP state president Dilip Jaiswal have reacted to this.
BJP says that this is a constitutional meeting. Tejashwi Yadav is the Leader of Opposition and whatever decisions are taken by the government, the Leader of Opposition also has a role in it. This should not be seen as political. BJP state president Dilip Jaiswal said that the Information Commissioner is to be appointed in Bihar. For this, the consent of the Leader of Opposition is also taken. Chief Minister Nitish Kumar respects everyone. This is the specialty of his leadership that he respects everyone.
'The constitutional way to do all this'
Regarding the appointment of the Information Commissioner, Dilip Jaiswal said that the Leader of the Opposition is called in this meeting and he was called. A discussion was held with him. The two leaders have not even met each other, then why is there a discussion in the media? He said that all this is a constitutional way of working in which wherever the Leader of the Opposition is needed, he is called there and work is taken from him.
Samrat Choudhary said- 'It is a good tradition...'
On the other hand, Deputy Chief Minister Samrat Choudhary has justified this meeting. Samrat Choudhary said, "It is natural that one should go. If there was a meeting for the appointment of the Information Commissioner, then the Leader of the Opposition should go. It is a good tradition. When Vijay Sinha ji was the leader of the opposition, he too had gone to the government meeting. Even today, if the leader of the opposition has gone, then he should go. There is nothing wrong in this."
Let us tell you that on Tuesday, Tejashwi Yadav had reached the Chief Minister's Secretariat and met Nitish Kumar. Both the leaders must have met for about 10 minutes. This meeting may have taken place regarding the appointment of the Information Commissioner, but many kinds of discussions have started that if the uncle and nephew have met again after eight months, then is something new going to happen in Bihar? However, there are many opinions from different people.