National: The state's most special and popular program Chakradhar Samaroh started on Saturday (September 7) in Raigarh district of Chhattisgarh. On this occasion, Chief Minister Vishnu Dev Sai inaugurated the ceremony. On the first day of Chakradhar Samaroh, Padma Shri awardee Hema Malini gave her captivating performance on Radha Ras Bihari dance drama.
Let us tell you that the 39th Chakradhar Festival will be held for ten days in Raigarh, which is known as the city of art and music. Artists from every corner of the country are coming to participate in the 10-day festival.
Chief Minister Vishnudev Sai said, "Raigarh and Music Emperor Maharaj Chakradhar have a special place in the field of song and music. Music Emperor Maharaj Chakradhar ji took classical music to new heights, gave it a new identity, made the legacy of music vast and rich."
CM did Karma dance
. In this ceremony, CM Vishnudev Sai was seen in a different style. Here, on seeing the Karma dancers of his native village Bagia performing Karma dance on the beats of Mandar, he could not stop himself and did Karma dance by playing Dholak on the stage. During this, Cabinet Minister Ramvichar Netam and OP Choudhary also performed Karma dance with him.
From the stage of Chakradhar Samaroh, Raigarh MLA and Finance Minister OP Choudhary demanded a music college from the CM. After this, CM Sai announced the opening of a music college in Raigarh from the stage itself. Along with this, CM Sai gave special wishes to the people of the state on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi.