National: Preparations have begun for the by-election on the high profile Budhni assembly seat of Madhya Pradesh. The Chief Electoral Officer and Collector of the district Praveen Singh Thakur has appealed to the voters that if they want to get their name added in the voter list, they can still get their name added by going to the BLO.
Preparations for the election have begun after the assembly seat of Shivraj Singh Chauhan, who has a record of being the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, became vacant after he became a Lok Sabha MP. Union Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan has been continuously contesting elections from Budhni assembly seat.
This assembly seat is considered a stronghold of the BJP, but this time the Congress is also putting in its full strength. State Congress Committee President Jeetu Patwari is constantly engaged in uniting the Congress workers here through tiffin parties and other events.
On the other hand, BJP is also putting in its full strength. Meanwhile, the Election Commission's action has also started. District Election Officer and Collector Praveen Singh Thakur said that all preparations have been done here as per the instructions of the FLC process commission. Sector magistrates have also been assigned duty here. The date of the by-election is yet to be announced. Before this, all preparations have been done by the district administration.
Name can still be added to voter list
Collector Praveen Singh Thakur said that if any voter is still left out, his name can be added as per the rules. For this, the voter will have to contact the BLO. He said that there are about 338 polling stations in Budhni assembly seat and the number of voters here is also around two and a half lakh.