
National: BJP has started a new membership campaign from the center to different states. In this sequence, on Tuesday, BJP Kashi region officials reached the residence of former BJP MLA and veteran leader Shyam Devraj Chaudhary Dada and got him enrolled as a new member. However, this picture is also in the headlines because just a day before, Assembly Leader of Opposition Mata Prasad Pandey had also visited the house of former BJP MLA Shyam Dev Rai Chaudhary to inquire about his health and since then many political speculations have intensified.

Today, on behalf of BJP, Kashi region president Delhi Patel, metropolitan president Vidyasagar Rai and other BJP leaders visited the house of 7-time BJP MLA Shyamdev Rai Chaudhary and made him join the BJP. Now the discussions about the BJP leaders reaching Dada's house have intensified because just a day ago, Assembly Leader of Opposition Mata Prasad Pandey visited Dada's house and met him and enquired about his health. 

This has increased the speculations.
In the last 24 hours, especially in Varanasi, there were speculations that Dada is going to take up a new responsibility with some other party in the coming time. This was also because after his ticket was cut from the Southern Assembly in 2017, Shyam Devrai Chaudhary completely distanced himself from active politics. There was a lot of discussion in the city that even though Dada's ticket was cut in 2017, Dada, who was an MLA for seven times, did not get the respect he deserved. In such a situation, the BJP leaders reaching Dada's residence shortly after meeting the SP leader and getting him a new membership has also become a topic of discussion among the people. 

Out of the eight assembly seats in Varanasi, the southern assembly seat is considered to be the most important for the BJP. The most prominent place in this assembly is Kashi Vishwanath Dham and this seat has been continuously in the possession of the BJP. The meeting of Shyamdev Rai Chaudhary alias Dada, who has been a BJP MLA from here for seven times, with the Leader of Opposition and BJP leaders is in the news. Voters from different states have a special influence in this area.

Even on Tuesday, people are talking about Dada's influential personality. In 2017, his ticket was cancelled and given to Dr. Neelkanth Tiwari who has been elected MLA from here in 2017 and 2022. Certainly, given the current political upheaval, the Bharatiya Janata Party would not want to make any mistake, especially in this assembly.
