National: The CBI has intensified the investigation into the heinous crime committed against a female trainee doctor at Kolkata's RG Kar Hospital. According to CBI sources, the polygraph test of the RG Kar Medical College Hospital case will be conducted at the Central Forensic Lab in Kolkata's New Town. A total of 7 people are to undergo polygraph test. These include the main accused Sanjay Roy, former principal Sandip Ghosh, 4 junior doctors and a civic volunteer close to Sanjay Roy.
CCTV footage of August 9 surfaced
At the same time, CCTV footage of Sanjay Roy, the main accused in the brutality against the trainee doctor in Kolkata, has surfaced. This CCTV footage is from around 3 to 4 am on the night of 9 August. The main accused Sanjay Roy is seen in this CCTV picture.
Bluetooth hanging around neck seen in CCTV
In this CCTV, Sanjay Roy is seen going towards the seminar hall of RG Kar Hospital. In the footage, Sanjay is seen wearing jeans and a T-shirt. He has a Bluetooth around his neck but when Sanjay Roy comes out, no Bluetooth is seen around his neck.
7 people including accused Sanjay have to undergo polygraph test
This is the same Bluetooth that the police recovered from the crime scene. Sanjay has been arrested on the basis of this CCTV footage. In this case, polygraph test is to be done on 7 people including accused Sanjay Roy. Apart from the former principal of the college, Sandeep Ghosh, 4 doctors who had dinner with the victim doctor are also included in this.